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Minggu, 20 November 2011

Akan Dirimu

Dikala jantungku sepi
Ku teringat padamu
Kau yang dulu slalu menemaniku
Kini telah pergi

Meski kau telah pergi
Tapi dirimu slalu ada dalam hatiku
Wajahmu slalu ada dalam ingatanku
Namamu slalu terngiang dalam telingaku

Dalam heningnya malam
Bayanganmu datang menghampiriku
Dalam gelapnya malam
Wajahmu datang mewarnai hatiku

Hatiku menangis karna merindukanmu
Betapa inginnya ku melihat dirimu sahabatku
Sahabatku yang dulu
Sahabat yang slalu ada untukku

Kaulah sahabat yang aku sayangi
Kaulah sahabat terbaik dalam hidupku
Ku ingin kau kembali padaku
Agar kita bersama kembali

Minggu, 06 November 2011

Fungsi Search Engine

Bab I

A.Latar belakang
Perkembangan search engine berawal dari Montreal ketika lan Emtage membuat Archie. Kakek dari semua search engine adalah Archie yang dibuat oleh Alan Emtage di tahun 1990, mahasiswa dari Universitas McGill, Montreal. Kemudian the University of Nevada System Computing Service Group membangun sebuah tipe search engine yang diberi nama Veronica, 1993. Search service ini merupakan nenek dari search engine. Kemudian Matthew Gray’s WWW Wanderer adalah ibu dari semua search engine. The Wanderer adalah robot pertama di web. Kemudian Martijn Koster menciptakan Aliweb pada oktober 1993. Aliweb adalah http yang sama dengan archie. Search service ini masih menggunakan daftar list dari masing-masing informasi yang mereka perbuat.Desember 1993, tiga search engine yang menggunakan robot program dikeluarkan yaitu Jumpstation, WWW Worm dan The Repository-based Software Engineering (RBSE) Spider. Kemudian enam orang undergraduate dari Universitas Stanford memulai proyek pembangunan sebuah search engine yang diberi nama Excite, Februari 1993. Awalnya Excite bernama Architext dan hanya berupa sebuah software bagi webmaster untuk digunakan di website mereka. Kemudian muncul Yahoo!, sebuah search engine yang sangat terkenal sekarang. Di bangun oleh dua orang kandidat doctoral dari Universitas Stanford, David Filo and Jerry Yang. Lalu menyusul Lycos yang merupakan sebuah proyek dari sebuah lab di Universitas Carnigie Mellon, Juli 1994, oleh Michael Maudlin. Altavista di keluarkan Desember 1995 oleh Digital Equipment Corporation’s (DEC). dan terakhir, Hotbot dibangun 20 Mei 1996 dan merupakan produk keluaran Inkomotomi Corporation yang didirikan oleh Eric Brewer dan Paul Gauthier dari Universitas California Berkeley.Perkembangan selanjutnya adalah meta-search engine. Meta-search engine pertama adalah Metacrawler yang menggabungkan dan mengambil sumber dari Lycos, Altavista, Yahoo!, Excite, Webcrawler dan Infoseek.Dibangun 1995 oleh Eric Selburg, seorang mahasiswa master dari Universitas Washington.
Tujuan pembuatan makalah ini adalah untuk  lebih mengenal apa yang dimaksud dengan search engine beserta fungsinya.
C.Ruang lingkup
Untuk memperjelas ruang lingkup pembahasan, maka masalah yang dibahas dibatasi  pada masalah  pengenalan search engine ,macam-macam search engine, cara menggunakan  dan  fungsi search engine.

D.Rumusan masalah           
Apakah yang dimaksud dengan search engine ?
Sebutkan dan jelaskan macam-macam search engine ?
Bagaimana cara menggunakan search engine ?
Bagaimana cara kerja search engine ?
Apa fungsi search engine ?

Bab II

Search Engine (mesin pencari) adalah program komputer yang dirancang untuk melakukan pencarian atas berkas-berkas yang tersimpan dalam layanan www, ftp, publikasi milis, ataupun news group dalam sebuah ataupun sejumlah komputer peladen dalam suatu jaringan. Hasil pencarian umumnya ditampilkan dalam bentuk daftar yang seringkali diurutkan menurut tingkat akurasi ataupun rasio pengunjung atas suatu berkas yang disebut sebagai hits. Informasi yang menjadi target pencarian bisa terdapat dalam berbagai macam jenis berkas seperti halaman situs web, gambar, ataupun jenis-jenis berkas lainnya. Beberapa mesin pencari juga diketahui melakukan pengumpulan informasi atas data yang tersimpan dalam suatu basisdata ataupun direktori web.
Sebagian besar mesin pencari dijalankan oleh perusahaan swasta yang menggunakan algoritma kepemilikan dan basisdata tertutup, di antaranya yang paling populer adalah Google (MSN Search dan Yahoo!). Telah ada beberapa upaya menciptakan mesin pencari dengan sumber terbuka(open source), contohnya adalah Htdig, Nutch, Egothor dan OpenFTS.

B.Macam – macam search engine
1.1 Yahoo
Salah satu portal terbesar di Internet, selain MSN., dan juga salah satu mesin pencari tertua. Halaman utamanya sendiri tidak terlalu ramah untuk pencarian, tetapi Yahoo! menyediakan untuk itu. Yahoo! menggunakan jasa Google untuk mencari informasi di web, ditambah dengan informasi dari databasenya sendiri. Kelebihan Yahoo! adalah direktorinya. Yahoo! juga menyediakan pencarian yellow pages dan peta, yang masih terbatas pada Amerika Serikat. Yahoo juga menyediakan pencarian gambar.

1.2 Alltheweb

Keunggulan Alltheweb adalah pencarian file pada FTP Server. Tidak seperti web, FTP adalah teknologi internet yang ditujukan untuk menyimpan dan mendistribusikan file, biasanya program, audio atau video. Web sebenarnya lebih ditujukan untuk teks. Sejauh ini, hanya AllTheWeb yang menyediakan jasa pencarian file. 

1.3 MSN

Mesin pencari dari Microsoft Network ini menawarkan pencarian baik dengan kata kunci maupun dari direktori. Pemakai Internet Explorer kemungkinan besar sudah pernah menggunakan mesin pencari ini. Situs Searchenginewatch mencatat MSN sebagai mesin pencari ketiga populer setelah Google dan Yahoo! Tak ada pencarian image, atau news. Menyediakan pencarian peta, yellow pages,white pages, pencarian pekerjaan, rumah.  

1.4 Ask jeeves

Situs mesin pencari yang satu ini mengunggulkan kemampuannya  untuk memahami bahasa manusia. Pengguna bisa menggunakan  kalimat lengkap,
bukan kata kunci. Situs ini berguna untuk  mengetahui jawaban dari pertanyaan(misal: when did world war II end?).

1.5  Google

Selain pencarian web, Google juga menyediakan jasa pencarian gambar, pencarian berita serta pencarian pada arsip USENET (newsgroup), serta direktori, seperti Yahoo! Kelemahannya terletak pada tidak tersedianya pencarian file, video, dan audio.Keunggulan Google terutama adalah pada pencarian teks, terutama dari algoritma PageRank, database-nya yang besar serta banyaknya jenis file yang diindeksnya.

1.6 AltaVista

Satu saat, AltaVista pernah menjadi mesin pencari terbesar. Saat ini, selain Alltheweb, Altavista juga menawarkan pencarian audio dan video. Keunggulan AltaVista adalah pilihan pencarian yang paling lengkap di antara semua mesin pencari.

1.7 Lycos  

Salah satu mesin pencari tertua. Saat ini Lycos lebih dikenal sebagai portal, sehingga fungsi pencarinya tidak terlalu menonjol. Lycos, selain mendukung pencarian web, juga menyediakan pencarian file MP3, dan video pada 

C.Fungsi search engine
fungsi search engine adalah untuk mencari alamat-alamat website yang berisi berbagai bentuk informasi seperti tulisan, gambar, video, dsb. dengan mudah dan cepat.

D. Cara menggunakan search engine
Cara penggunaan search engine adalah dengan mengetikkan kata kunci (keyword) yang hendak dicari dan setelah itu akan ditampilkan sejumlah link yang akan mengarahkan kita kepada situs atau informasi yang ada relevansinya dengan keyword yang kita masukkan.
E.Cara kerja search engine
Mesin pencari web bekerja dengan cara menyimpan informasi tentang banyak halaman web, yang diambil langsung dari WWW. Halaman-halaman ini diambil dengan web crawlerbrowser web otomatis yang mengikuti setiap pranala yang dilihatnya. Isi setiap halaman lalu dianalisis untuk menentukan cara indeks-nya (misalnya, kata-kata diambil dari judul, subjudul, atau field khusus yang disebut meta tag). Data tentang halaman web disimpan dalam sebuah database indeks untuk digunakan dalam pencarian selanjutnya. Sebagian mesin pencari, seperti Google, menyimpan seluruh atau sebagian halaman sumber (yang disebut cache) maupun informasi tentang halaman web itu sendiri.

Search Engine merupakan aplikasi / program komputer yang digunakan untuk memudahkan para pengguna internet dalam mencari informasi di dalam internet yang terdiri dari berbagai macam dan jenis. Informasi yang diberikan adalah informasi yang global, yang biasanya ditampilkan menurut urutan rasio pengunjung yang mencari informasi tersebut. Sehingga pengguna dapat lebih mudah menemukan informasi yang ingin dicari.
B.Saran – saran
1. Search engine memang memudahkan kita dalam pencarian data yang kita inginkan tetapi kadang kala search engine  menampilkan data yang tidak ada kaitannya dengan tema yang dicari. Mungkin fitur search engine bisa di tambah lagi yang lebih lengkap dan lebih spesifik lagi pencariannya sehingga dapat lebih memudahkan kita dalam pecarian data yang kita inginkan

Rabu, 19 Januari 2011

Experience When I Still Child

          When i still child, i included naughty girl. Although i'm girl i same naughty with boy. When i was 4 yeari old, i had an accident.
         One day, when was my mother burnt of rubbish, i play with the fire. Suddenly, the fire jumped to my hand. Because the fire jumped to my hand i cried. My mother was very panic. Cause very panic, and then my mother called my father. She told my father that i had an accident. My mother asked my father for go to home with quickly. My father was quickly came to home.
        After arrived at home, my father brought me to hospital. In the hospital i got medical treatment. The doctor was bandaget my hand. I used the bandage during some weeks. After some weeks, the doctor let loose the bandage.
       When was the doctor to let loose the bandage, i'm cried. I'm cried because i felt that was very make ill. My father tried to calm me in order to i stop cried. Successfull the doctor work with soon. After finished, i went to home. At home my parents told me for never become naughty girl again.
       From the accident i learned for never played with fire and stopped become a naughty girl.

Nyi Roro Kidul

          Reputedly, Nyi Roro Kidul is a beautiful queen,like an angel. At thebottom of the south sea,named indian ocean, she was enthroned in a kingdom of spirits a very large and beatiful.
          Perhaps according to owns the story, in thye beginning was a woman, a beautiful face, named Kadita. Because of her beauty, she is often called Dewi Srengenge, that's mean pretty sun. kadita is a daughter of king Munding Wangi. Although Kadita veri beautiful, the king was sad, because he don't have the crown prince. After the king married with Dewi Mutiara, was born a boy. However so got more attention, Dewi Mutiara filed claims, among other things, ensure son will replace the throne and Dewi Kadita should be expelled from the castle. The first request passed but to expel Kadita, king Munding not willed.
         The next day, early morning, Dewi Mutiara called a magician named jahil. Commanded him forr Dewi Kadita shipped witchcapt.
         When Kadita was sleep, came breeze into the her room. The wind was foul. When Kadita woke up, she screamed. All her full body with scabies,purulent and highly smalled bad.
When the king Munding wangi hera this on morning, he was very sad. In his heart he knows that the illness ssuffered by Kadita not unusual.
         At the urging of the governor, daughter originally very beautiful it must be thrown away so as not to makes disgrace.
        So Kadita was alone, like a beggan who were expelled from the house of the rich. Her herat was shaltered. But she still believes that the creator will not left things for that, like her grandmother had taught deceased, that she should not hold grudnes and hate people who hate her.
        Day and night she walked, and been seven day and seven night time gone through, until finally she arrived at south sea cost. Then stood looking at the extent of ocean. She is like hering a voice called her to throw then selves into the sea. When she followed call it, so touched the water her body recovered again. Be it a beautiful woman. Not only that, she soon mastered all the oceans and it's contents and establish the kingdom of the majestic,strong,beautiful, and authoritative . She is row called the queen of the south sea.
     From the story, we can learned for should not hold grudnes  and hate people who to do wrong.

Selasa, 18 Januari 2011

Barbie The Island

           In the distant lived one girl, named Roo. She lived with animal. They lived with happiness. One day came a prince named Antonio. Antonio asked with Roo whether she wants to joint with him for went to his castle. Roo agreed with him.
           When Antonio arrived in the castle,the king to wed the prince with the princes named Luciana. Antonio don't wanna if that happen because Antonio loved Roo. The King to creat a party for prince Antonio and princes Luciana
           Luciana's mother had a plan for poisoned the meals in the party, because she wants to qualified in the castle. Roo know the plan, but she was late. The animal was poisoning. The was confused about it. Roo told that she know the method for helped the animal. But the king didn't believe it. Although the king didn't believe her, she lasting helped the animal and she was success.
          Finally the animal was heal and luciana's mother caught because she was poisoned the meals in the party. Cause that the king to permit the prince for comunicate with Roo. At the time Roo met with own mother. And then, she was remember again her pass time. The end prince Antonio and Roo become met happiness.
          From the story we can learned for always said honest for to all people, cause that will came the happiness.

Sabtu, 15 Januari 2011

The Prince and The Princes

Once upon a time in a great castle, a King's daughter grew up happy ang contented. She was very pretty, with blue eyes and long black hair. Her skin was decite and fair and so she was called Cecillia. Everyone was quite sure she would become very beautiful.
One day, came a magician for to confuse the castle. The magician to kidnap the princes. The King was very sad about it.
The magician to keep the princes in the forest. In the forest there wa a great castle. The magician to keep the princes until shee stepped an adult. the princes was very like painted. One daywhen the princes just painted, The magician came and to be angry with her. Becaus shhe didin't worked the work home as well. The magician was angry and bewitch the castle until the princes looked up in the castle.
One day, didn't intentionally the prince to go into the forets. The prince was startled to look the great castle. He also looked one girl into the castle. And.then, he called the girl and asket what she doing there. The princes told the prince she cloud into the castle by the magician.
The prince helped the princesfrom out from the castle. The princeclimbed the wall of the castle and came down together. The end they came back to the castle cecillia's father. The king was very happy to look it.Finally they got married and lived with happiness.
From the dtory we can learned and know how fell that loved ang loving

Jumat, 14 Januari 2011


         Once upon, to be one girl named Cinderella. She lives with her father and her mother. One day her mother was sick and then her mother was dead. After her mother was dead, her father was married again. The last happy live of Cinderella become sorrow until she stepped an adult.
         One day the castle make a party for all ladies in the country with the porpuse find wife for the prince. Cinderella want to came to the party but her step mother was forbade.Cinderella was sad about it. Suddenly her fairy mother was came and fulfil she desire for came to the party. Cinderella must go to home before midnight.
        When she want go to home, the prince was forbade her and she accidentally left one of her shouse. The prince found the shoes and he will find who owner of the shoes. At the end of his quest, he found owner the shouse. She is cinderella. The prince was happy and he even asked Cinderella become to his empress. And then Cinderella agreed to become his empress.Finally Cinderella got back her lived must happily.

New Year's Holiday

          When was new year's holiday, i just stay at home. I didn't go anywhere. At home, unusually i clean my house or watched TV.
          One day, i went to grandmother's house. I met my big family. I met my aunt,my uncle and my grandmother. I'm happy to met my big family.
The day before new year's nigth i'm sick. I'm sad for that. But, when was new year's night, i'm ready to heal. I'm happt about it.
          In the new year's night, i watched fireworks. I watched in front of my house. I felt it's funtastic.This is unforgetable experience in the new year. I lucky i could heal in the new year's night. So, i can watched fireworks. And for that i learned to keep our healthy

Malin Kundang

         In the small village in island of Sumatra, live a widower and her son. His name is Malin Kundang. Their lived with poverty. Although their lived with poverty,she very loved her son. When was Malin kundang stepped an adult, he ask permission with her mother for to sail along the inlets in town. In town Malin got a work. Cause of his hard work he become to succes person. 
        One day malin met with a girl. She was very beautiful girl. malin fell in love with the girl. And malin asked her to marry him. The girl agreed to marry him. Although Malin was married, he never told his mother aboit it.He shy to had mother a poor widower.
       One day his mother came to meet him but Malin didn't admited his mother. Before she go, she pray to God for curse Malin become stone.Because his heart like stone. And then, pray from his mother answered Malin become to stone.
       From the story we can learned for more loved and appreciate mother,we can live in this world bacause our mother.

My Friend

              When i was in junior high school, i had a new friend. Her name is Lidya. I like her because she was very friendly and clever. We were a friend and then we are promise to be best friend. We always together every time. 
             One day she angry with me. She angry with me because i came late to meet her. I apoligized about it and promise never came late again. Then, she stoped angry with me. We came back together and did something fun. I lucky to have friend like her and i learned to be more on time.